
PROJECTS (Continued)

BIG Healthy Life
New Marijuana
Hikers, Bikers & Automobiles: Pedestrian & Cyclist Safety
PREGNANT: Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Everyone's Business: Protecting Our Children
Bystanders Ending BULLYING
NO EXCEPTIONS, Pain Killer Addiction
DOMENICI, National Leadership
SMASHED: Youth, Brains and Alcohol
CODY - The First Step, Paralysis Issues
Looking In, Homelessness
Date Violence, Dating Issues
Not In My Family, Mental Health Stigma
Coming Back, Youth Suicide
See Mommy Cry, Domestic Violence
Healing the Earth, Global Warming
High, Kids and Drugs
Knowing When to Stop, Gambling Addiction
Risk, Adolescent Brains
Past Projects

No Exceptions

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Rocky Mountain Emmy Award Community concerns
Rocky Moutain Emmy Award Governors Award

Official Selection: Albuquerque Media and Film Experience
Official Selection: REEL Recovery Film Festival New York/Los Angeles

NO EXCEPTIONS, Pain Killer Addiction

“NO EXCEPTIONS” is a comprehensive campaign to help PARENTS, EDUCATORS and MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS throughout New Mexico understand the dangers of opioid (pain killer) abuse, how it can lead to heroin use and how to help stop it’s use before it starts. The program includes a half hour documentary and live follow up solutions show along with 5 pull out mini-docs for targeted audiences.

Additionally, CP developed several other videos specifically targeted to youth and parents. A “Youth to Youth” video highlights a dozen youth in a conversation about opioid addiction with kids in recovery and siblings/friends of youth who are struggling or who have lost their lives to addiction. A “Parent to Parent” video is a group conversation of parents whose children are struggling or who have succumbed to addiction, discussing the signs of addiction and difficulties of getting help.


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*Official Selection, White Sands International Film Festival
*Official Selection, Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
*Rocky Mountain Emmy Award Musical Score
*Honorable Mention, Bayou City Inspirational Film Festival, Houston, Texas

DOMENICI, National Leadership

Senator Domenici - Chris SchuelerFrom Russia to the Rio Grande, Senator Pete V. Domenici has used his leadership skills to change lives worldwide. Domenici - Chris SchuelerNarrated by award-winning journalist, Sam Donaldson, the documentary "DOMENICI" chronicles the Senators historic career through eightpresidents and four decades of change. With stories from Bob Dole, Chris Dodd, Howard Baker, Bill Clinton, Lamar Alexander and others we discover how he changed the world.


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*Rocky Mountain Emmy Award: Public/Current/Community Affairs Program/Special

SMASHED: Youth, Brains And Alcohol

New Mexico is highest in the nation in use of alcohol before age 13.

This documentary examines recent brain research that indicates binge drinking during adolescence can have lifelong negative effects. Through the program we hear from brain research experts, counselors and youth who discuss the reasons for concern and ways we can all help. The program highlights how the brain is affected by alcohol assault, the effect of alcohol on athletic performance and how advertising influences not only decisions about alcohol consumption but its influence on how we think alcohol affects our behavior.


SILVER WORLD MEDAL: The New York Festivals;
BEST DOCUMENTARY: Dark River Film Festival, George Lindsay UNA Film Festival;
MOST INSPIRATIONAL DOCUMENTARY: Orlando International Film Festival;
SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENTS AWARD: Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival

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CODY The First Step

Narrated by Glenn Close, CODY is a powerful documentary that charts the extraordinary story of Cody Unser, daughter of 2-Time Indy 500 Winner, Al Unser Jr. Cody Unser was tragically struck with Transverse Myelitis at the age of 12. The disease left her paralyzed from the chest down. However, she refused to let that diagnosis define her and instead at age 13 founded the Cody Unser First Step Foundation to ensure that money would be raised to find a cure.

Cody is now a beautiful 22 year old college graduate and for the last five years Cody has lobbied state legislatures and Congress to push for stem-cell research which offers the key to her own recovery. During the film, Cody shares with the viewers her determination to walk again. The film takes the viewers on an intimate journey with Cody detailing her daily emotional and physical struggles. The film also charts where science and politics intersect.

Looking In

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*2011 Rocky Mountain Emmy Award: Public/Current/Community Affairs Program/Special
*Outstanding Media Presentation, National Association for the Education of Homeless Children


In New Mexico between 2006 and 2009 there was a 91% increase in students who were homeless. This documentary, broadcast throughout the state in the fall of 2010, examined the realities of homelessness through the eyes of four different young people who have lived through it. It also explored the various solutions to the homelessness issue, with particular emphasis on education. The documentary was followed by a half hour live broadcast community conversation about ways to support homeless organizations and to create community changes to end child homelessness.

Date Violence

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*2011 Rocky Mountain Emmy Award Nominee


1 in 5 high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. This documentary shows the warning signs and dangers of date violence and how it can and does differ from domestic violence. Through the story we examine three girls stories, two of whom eventually got out of the situation and are living better lives and one of whom is killed by her dating partner. Filmed in "Law and Order" style, the program highlights how and why youth get into these situations, the red flags of dangerous relationships and how technology is used by abusers.


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